Mepitel Film - Radiotherapy breast application
Mepitel® Film - the solution for minimizing radiotherapy skin reactions

- Place patient in the treatment position
- Remove backing from film
- Place film on skin – walk the film over the patient with your fingers and cover every little crinkle and crevasse

- Remove edging
- Areas of concern are those with folds and any sun damage

- Prepare film to cover all areas – tuck into folds to prevent film moving when patient is in motion
- Do not overlap any film – join at the edge (abut) only – trim film as necessary before peeling

- Do not change the shape of the patient at all with tightness of film
- Film will stretch but do not allow it to – apply like a second skin

- For covering the axilla, anchor well up the arm to avoid rolling of the film with patient movement – or place diagonally (as shown)
- Use pen to mark template for cutting accurately

- Use pen to mark edges of film, if necessary
- For the supraclavia area – start at the natural fold of the neck – cut to required shape – place free edge down first
- For post axilla, have patient sit up